#1275 Mazel Tov to a couple that wishes to remain anonymous

סיפור הצלחה

What was your first impression on the phone? At first we were texting back and forth, ultimately setting an initial time and place to meet that would work for two very busy schedules. My first impression was that he was a nice person but he wasn't from NYC and that was something that concerned me since I have lived here my entire life, however once we met and spoke face to face there was absolutely something very different this time. The conversation and laughter seem to come so easy, the common interests, the kindness and most importantly the wanting to get to know each other better. When did you think the relationship could be something very special? I was apprehensive about a second date, and didn't know what to do the Chagim came, and we did not speak . So, after about five weeks and one phone conversation we set a second date. While on that date Alan made sure to set up a third date to go hiking and it was on that third date that I knew this was something wonderful and quite special. He was waiting at the train station twenty minutes prior to my arrival to make sure the day went picture perfect, which it did and it was from that day on I just knew this was the one for me. We took things slowly and we needed the many supportive people who kept us focused and encouraged us to develop our relationship along the way but the bottom line is that we both decided we wanted to be together.