For immediate release


Public Relations

Marc Goldmann, CEO


A Jewish matchmaking revolution has just occurred – and now you can be a part of it., the largest Jewish Dating and Jewish matchmaking network in the world, has just got even bigger. Along with the Jewish Dating site’s current 300 professional Jewish matchmakers, the recent launch of Jewish Singles’ “Suggest-A-Match” means that all Jewish Singles on the site can now make matches for other Jewish Singles.

“Suggest-A-Match” is the latest SawYouAtSinai creation that is making setting up Jewish single friends simple and effective. With “Suggest-A-Match”, Jewish Singles can easily suggest matches through the system for their friends and previous match suggestions. Each match then gets reviewed by one of the SawYouAtSinai Jewish matchmakers who can then set up the match. And what’s even better, if a person is not on the site, they will be contacted about a suggestion too!

Whether members decide to do this anonymously or not, this new feature has already been satisfying Jewish singles around the world. Jeiwsh singles that get sent a match that they decided to decline, or even ended up dating, now have the option to suggest this to a friend instead. Members need not worry about getting hold of the both parties, answering questions, finding references, giving dating advice or doing follow up – once the match has been suggested, the SYAS Jewish matchmakers handle the rest.

The Jewish singles that are receiving these suggestions are now even happier - knowing that not only has the match been approved by a SYAS Jewish matchmaker, but also by a friend of theirs too! One recipient of a “Suggest-A-Match” says, “I thought it was great to receive a match from someone I previously dated through the site. It hadn’t worked out between us, but I was really flattered that he set me up with his friend. I hope to do the same for others!”

Rachel S, Director of Marketing for SYAS comments, “We are delighted by the Jewish singles’ response to this feature (and by the accuracy of the suggestions too!) It’s the perfect opportunity for people to be proactive without it consuming too much of their time. We look forward to hearing about the additional engagements that will result”

With hundreds of matches that have already been suggested, accepted and are currently dating, it seems this latest SawYouAtSinai feature is keeping everyone happy. One user of “Suggest-A-Match” responds, “It’s addictive!”

To use this new feature, singles should create a Jewish singles profile on SawYouAtSinai, go to the “Suggest-A-Match” section and suggest away! Its easy to use, and the results are changing Jewish singles’ lives. For more info, visit

About SawYouAtSinai

SawYouAtSinai was created in December 2003 to satisfy the need for a more private and personalized approach to online Jewish dating. This Rabbinic-endorsed site uniquely combines the power of technology, the accessibility of the internet, and the personal touch of a matchmaker to serve its 13000 members. SawYouAtSinai has over 300 experienced Jewish matchmakers from diverse backgrounds, focusing on its Jewish Singles’ various age ranges, religious levels, locations and personalities. With 190 members successfully matched, SawYouAtSinai continues to benefit Conservative, Modern Orthodox and Yeshivish/Black Hat Jewish singles from Jewish communities throughout the world.