Aviva Miller
Public Relations
212 866 0546
September 13, 2009
Press Releases » YUConnects Annual Shabbat Nachamu Weekend
The welcoming atmosphere of the YUConnects & SawYouatSinai Shabbat Nachamu Weekend 2009 was a breath of fresh air for the 350 men and women who attended. The weekend was coordinated under the YUConnects auspices along with a group of 20 volunteer committee members, who served as organizers and participants. The committee created an atmosphere in which attendees felt comfortable meeting new people in a fun, warm and interactive environment.
The weekend included Shiurim given by Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky, Rosh Yeshiva at RIETS, Rabbi Aryeh Lightstone, Director, Long Island NCSY, and Rabbi Yaakov Werblowsky, Maggid Shiur in the YU Stone Beis Medrash program. The warm ambiance and various activities allowed participants to get to know each other in various forums such as table games geared at meeting and socializing with other people. "It was truly a rewarding experience. I found the weekend to be well organized and extremely beneficial" one participant shared. The activities were capped off with a Melave Malka, which included an interactive trivia tournament.
The power of the connections made - with the 25 matchmakers and connectors present at the weekend - and with other attendees (a good number of which were current RIETS students), continues to reverberate. As of September, over 20 couples are still dating, with many more introductions still being made to friends. It was an opportunity to develop new friendships, connections and potential relationships for all participants.
Another participant commented, “from start till finish this was the best Shabbaton that I have ever had the opportunity to attend. The organizational coordination that occurred made for an incredibly professional and efficiently run event. The content, the population all came together to create the "feeling" of the weekend which made the Nachamu Shabbaton such a tremendous success." Perhaps the greatest testimony to the weekend's success is that an overwhelming number of attendees expressed an interest in being involved in the coordination of future YUConnects events.
For more information about YUConnects, please visit .
About SawYouAtSinai
SawYouAtSinai was created in December 2003 to satisfy the need for a more private and personalized approach to online Jewish dating. This Rabbinic-endorsed site uniquely combines the power of technology, the accessibility of the internet, and the personal touch of a matchmaker to serve its 26,000 members. SawYouAtSinai has over 300 experienced matchmakers from diverse backgrounds, focusing on its members’ various age ranges, religious levels, locations and personalities. With over 600 members successfully matched, SawYouAtSinai continues to benefit Conservative, Modern Orthodox and Yeshivish/Black Hat singles from Jewish communities throughout the world.