Upcoming Events
July 28 , 2008
SawYouAtSinai And YU Host Shabbos Nachamu Weekend
Date Posted: July 23, 2008
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SawYouAtSinai and YUConnects has opened registration for its annual Shabbos Nachamu singles weekend. The event, which is geared toward Modern Orthodox machmir and yeshivish /black hat singles ages 23-39, will take place at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel in Stamford Connecticut on August 15-17.

Matchmakers from YUConnects and SawYouAtSinai will be available at the weekend to talk with attendees and to facilitate matchmaking. Interactive programming will enable singles to meet each other. The weekend will feature delicious food, exciting entertainment, live music, and stimulating shiurim . All facilities of the Sheraton’s 4-star hotel will be available for use. Meals will be glatt , Pas Yisrael and Cholov Yisrael.

It is the fourth year that SawYouatSinai is hosting this event, and is the first time it will be hosting in conjunction with YUConnects, a program sponsored by the Center for the Jewish Future that serves single students and alumni in the Yeshiva University community.

Fourteen couples have married from previous years’ weekends.

With attendees at last year’s event coming from such varied locations as New York, New Jersey, Florida, Baltimore, Milwaukee, and even Canada, England, Israel, and Costa Rica, this year’s event is sure to draw a diverse crowd as well.

To register, e-mail Tova.k@SawYouAtSinai.com , or call 212-600-0977.