For the SYAS Team

I live with a few girls in an apartment in Brooklyn and almost all of us are members. We joke that it is a requirement of moving in! I wanted to let you know how great I think this site is just because of the fact that it is trying to do something about the "singles crisis", especially because it is so successful. We appreciate it! Tizku L'Mitzvos.

I want to thank you for all the selfless, excellent work you do. It is a real Kiddush Hashem for Klal Yisrael, with all the young lonely people in NY and throughout the world. May Hashem bless you with all the wonderful brachot he gave our avot Avraham, Yitchak and Yaakov! May you be worthy of shining bright in the light of Meshiach Bekarov.

I want to express how essential your work is. May you be blessed to continue it in joy, health, and nahat.

SYAS member 3,009

I wanted to let you know that I appreciate the hard efforts that my matchmakers are putting in to finding me my match.

SYAS member 10,877

While I did not yet find my match, this year thanks to you, I was in a relationship that opened my heart and my soul and while it ended painfully, it accomplished the opening of my heart, and I attribute this to the kindness of your staff. Without a heart that is truly open, one cannot find his/her soul mate. May all of you be blessed with sweetness and success in all your endeavors.

SYAS member 12

Thank you very sincerely again (and again) for your time and efforts, for your loving kindness and concern, turned into real maasim tovim and your chessed in helping us all.

My matchmaker gave me real chizuk, I can’t explain why, but her first words made me feel such hope and happiness, so thank you for that. It made me feel like a miracle can happen.

SYAS member 2,667

For our Amazing Matchmakers

Dear Matchmaker,

Since you came into my life, only a little over a year ago, my life has become so beautifully busy. However, I could not let more time pass without more than a verbal acknowledgement. Not only did you share your lives, but you shared your personal experiences to help us. Less than eight months later we’re married! You guided us through it all! On top of all of that, you even sent us a wedding gift! (As if you hadn't already given us the best wedding gift of all)! Now as a couple of months, G-d willing, we are expecting our first child. Thank you!

Hashem should always send you such special, beautiful people to guide you in your life like He sent you to us!

Amy and Damon Salzman

Dear Matchmaker,

You were instrumental in building back up my confidence, so that I could meet some nice guys.

SYAS member 11,329

Dear Matchmaker,

You continue to be our source of inspiration.

SYAS member 13,268

Dear Matchmaker,

When one of my Ravs from Israel asked me if I am getting read good shidduchim in the States, I said "yes," because I have been blessed with a great Shadchan.

SYAS member 1,065

Dear Matchmaker,

Thank you for being so warm and responsive, and I greatly appreciate your advice. Thank you for becoming my Shadchan.- I greatly appreciate your taking me in, and your attentiveness. What you are doing is very special and I want you to know I am grateful. I know that to make shidduchim takes a lot of time and effort, so THANK YOU.

SYAS member 4,211

Dear Matchmaker,

You have seemingly put together a very winning formula. I am impressed. May Hashem crown your efforts with tremendous success and shower His bounty on your families for the Kochos you are putting into trying to make others happy.

SYAS member 5,477

Dear Matchmaker,

I want to THANK YOU for being so special.

May you have strength, and may Hashem bless all of your family, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.

SYAS member 10,997

Dear Matchmaker,

Words cannot express my gratitude. I am truly speechless.

I thank Hashem for bringing you into my life. Your kedusha shines bright and showers those with whom you come in contact. The world is a better place with you here.

How lucky I am to have met you.

SYAS member 6,194

Dear Matchmaker,

I must say that Baruch H-shem you really seem to have a "knack" for this. I have a lot of HaKoras HaTov for all the time that you have been putting into this to look on this site and search for me. I appreciate all the chessed that you are doing for me.

SYAS member 275

For Our Successes

How can we ever thank you for starting this site. It is so amazing to see all of the couples that have met through SawYouAtSinai. Baruch Hashem, I am one of them.

Thank you so much again for everything.

Lisa Reid

THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I truly appreciate all the hard work you have done for me, my chosson, and the rest of the people on your site. I continue to encourage my friends to sign up and take advantage of the wonderful service you provide. Thanks again and tizku l'mitzvos!!!

SYAS member 3,578

Miriam and I were reminiscing the other day about how we met and our first date. We both could not help but repeat several times how highly we think of SawYouAtSinai. It is a great way to meet new people without it being overly invasive by having your profile available for public viewing. What is funny is that after Miriam and I got engaged, we realized that there were many people we knew in common, but that our paths just never crossed allowing us to meet each other. SawYouAtSinai gave us the opportunity to meet each other! We are truly in debt to you and appreciate the huge role you played in us meeting each other and finding true love. You have truly made a difference in both our lives and many in the Jewish community at large.

Miriam Fried and Aaron Klein

From the moment I started using SawYouAtSinai I realized the amount of sechel and sensitivity that went into building the forum. Baruch Hashem, I am dating someone very seriously now with an eye on getting engaged, and it all happened through the efforts of the matchmakers at SawYouAtSinai. If you ever have had any ‘havamina’ of the value of the work that you are doing please reread this letter and be michazek yourself. May Hashem continue to give you bracha and hatzlacha by using your forum and the shlichim that are associated with it to fulfill the work that He has been continuously and personally osek in since He has rested from maaseh breshis.

Yehuda Raskas

Now that Yvonne and I are happily married, I wanted to be back in touch. First, I wanted to thank you again for the service that you provided to us, and continue to provide for others. For me living in Seattle, it was such a tremendous help to be able to contact appropriate women in other places.

Lastly, I am interested in being a matchmaker myself.

Refael Hileman

Both Chani and I thank you very much. We feel you have a wonderful website and are grateful for your all your help.

Michael Daniels

I would love to thank you very much for your wonderful website and especially for making it happen through the special shadchan that introduced me to my kallah. I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

David Vassil

For our SYAS Events

Yishar Kochachem to all of you for organizing the Nachamu weekend. You managed to create a comfortable, laid back and fun atmosphere (hopefully productive, as well)! Just looking around gave me an appreciation for how much work definitely went into it to make it such a success. The number of singles that participated really shows how much this weekend, website, and other functions are needed. May Hashem reward all your efforts and shape you to be the conduit for many brachot, chessed and good things!

SYAS participant 432

Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful weekend you guys put together. The planning and execution was excellent.

SYAS participant 395

I'm writing to express my thanks and appreciation to the whole SawYouAtSinai group for a historic weekend. I have been involved in and attended a number of events and weekends before, and I must tell you that what you and your team pulled off was nothing short of amazing. Every hour and every activity was planned and figured to its smallest detail.

I want to tell you that regardless of the amount of long term relationships and shidduch activity that will result from this event, you and your team have earned the everlasting gratitude of each and every person who attended, as well as their friends and families who look towards the day when they will no longer need to come to these events.

"Yehi ratzon , shetishrah shechina bemaaseh yedeichem"

SYAS participant 47

I just wanted to thank you for the lovely event you ran yesterday. It was dignified, organized, and stimulating as well.

SYAS participant 144

I just wanted to thank everyone for making the weekend so beautiful and for all the hard work that everyone put in. I'm sure I'm speaking on behalf of everyone when I say that all your hard work was extremely evident, and we thank you so much for caring about Klal Yisrael and for helping all of us.

May Hashem give you the ability to continue such an amazing endeavor for many, many years to come.

SYAS participant 96

For our Donors

Not only am I sending an e-mail of thanks to the donor but a blessing as well that they should only know kindness and live a long life. Please let the donor know I say thank you far more than they will ever be able to know as this is one site where I still have some hope.

SYAS member 5,912

I would like to thank you for donating money for me to use this site to find my zivug. It is an amazing thing that you are doing, because you are helping someone to find his wife and you don't even know who you are helping. I really appreciate it and thank you again.

SYAS member 9,885

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